
Welcome to, your go-to platform for professional-grade, custom skateboard printing. Whether you’re looking to craft a stunning piece of wall art, wanting to stand out at the skate park with a custom deck, or searching for that unforgettable gift for a fellow skater, you’ve landed at the perfect spot. Dive into our world, unleash your creativity, and redefine your skateboarding experience with us. Let’s roll!

Real skateboards, with a real print!

Don’t settle for just “a” skateboard with your print. Get the real thing. Pick a real, pro skateboard deck from our range of sizes and shapes that are approved quality.
100% canadian maple, with 3 stained layers, expoy glued and single pressed.
Even if it will decorate your wall, be sure the moment you decide to actually skate it, its not just a wooden canvas holding your design – its a skateboard. With tons of pop and excellent shape.

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    Skateboard Vertical


Design Studio

3D Previews

Bold Laminates Skateboard Decks

Pro-Quality skateboards used

canadian hard rock maple used. 7Ply construction.

Exopy Glue

using USA expoxy resin guarantees for stiff boards with long lasting pop.

Single Pressed

Every board is single pressed to provide or equal, exact concave and shape.

Cold Pressed

The boards are left to dry in peace, without addition of heat to speed up the process.

Upload - or create now

If you already have made a design, you can upload it right away to get it printed on a skateboard. Just pick your preferred board and size.
If you want to create something awesome now, go ahead and open our easy to use design studio now. You can upload pictures, search the pixabay database for images, add text and effects to create something stunning-fast.

Don't settle for a sticker!

Other companies out there are claiming to provide something special they call a SLIP layer.
What you’ll get is basically a sticker put on a board. But thats not the way skateboards are made. Its easy and fast, but definitively not made to skate.
We produce your design with a HD digital print on Heat Transfer film, which then is applied with a heat transfer machine to the board. The film (100% recycled PET) gets removed, and all that stays on your board is color. Non toxic, environment friendly color thats made in the EU.

From single boards to large productions

we’ve got you covered.
single board or mass production - we've got ypou covered